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Our mission is to give you the convenience and hassle free experience of luxury gifting that leaves a lasting impression. Gifting is an art form to us. With focus on artistic integrations, flawless execution, sound logistics and sustainable practices, we ensure that you impress your recipient with a luxurious and one of a kind celebration. 




We are a team of women in their twenties, with a passion for creating and giving and an eye for design. With an understanding of the increasingly busy lifestyles of our consumers, we provide the ultimate gift of time, by shopping for your loved one or company, so that you can gift a thoughtful, useful and elegantly packaged item, with just the click of a button. 

We designed our business model so when you purchase a gift from Boxed Love TT to give to your recipient, you are also giving the gift of support to our local artisans and giving back to local charities. 


We get it. You have a lot on your plate, the shopping lines are long, parking is difficult to find, you can’t figure out what to get, you’re great at everything except putting together a present or you honestly forgot. When your recipient is important to you, looking for the absolutely perfect gift can be extremely time and energy consuming because so much as at stake. The worse feeling is gifting someone a present and feeling like they deserved better or the fear of regifting.


Celebrating moments and celebrating people definitely isn’t supposed to be difficult. As a person who always appreciate the thought and effort behind a present and value usable and impactful gifts instead of one expensive one that may stay on the shelf for years, we wanted to create an experience for both the giver the receiver- to make life easier and to let people know that they are important.


Our signature handcrafted keepsake boxes and use of sustainable products allows the gift to lasts beyond the initial moment. Creating a network of other small local businesses and including their products is important to us, as we hold the opportunity to showcase the talent and creative within our island and uplift our nation. 




I was working an 8-4 job and looked down at a stack of files on my desk. At that moment, while I enjoyed my administrative job, I realized that I was stifling my creative side. I love working with my hands and I also love giving gifts! I am the person, who always have the ‘Oh this person would love this!’ thought, while walking through a store’s aisle. 

My meticulous eye for design, aesthetically pleasing presentation and taste for quality makes the process a natural art. It is so much more than just a giftbox. I look at colors, textures, geometry and really try to embody the recipient's lifestyle to fully understand what they would need and appreciate to ensure that the overall experience is as pleasantly memorable as it should be. BLTT started with a Christmas giftbox that I curated in my room, then moved to a lifetime table in my parent's living room and now at my own creative studio and office.

I am creating for others, everything that I would want for myself and being able to create that experience and moment of feeling appreciated with someone else, feels invaluable. 


Are you are a busy individual looking for thoughtful gifts quickly? An event planner with clients searching for that impressionable gift? A new mom with no time to think about gifting?  An innovating business yearning to elevate your client experience or enhance the culture in your organization?  A small business owner looking for new ways to appeal to your market and get products flying off the shelf? Or an engaged couple looking for gifts to wow your guest or request the honor of your closest friends and family?


You value convenience and aesthetically pleasing, quality gifting equally and now you can finally entrust someone to meet the needs of you and your recipients, without having to run from store to store and assemble gifts at the last minute. 


We know how much we value our clients so we image that other organizations value their clients just as much. Whether you are seeking to elevate your client and employee gifting or explore creative avenues for increasing your own revenue, we’re here to help!


As the person in charge of year end gifting for customers, suppliers and employees, I understood how stressful it can be to constantly be coming up with improved gifting ideas year after year as well as the valuable time and energy it takes away from time spent from actually executing your job duties. I decided to offer solutions to our business community and on board came our very first corporate order, Oak and Stone Realty which led the way to further corporate fulfillment. What we’ve realized is that behind large organizations, are people who are hardworking, kind and cheerful. People who dedicate their support to your organization. People who deserve to be appreciated. 

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